As well as offering a large range of one- and two-bed luxury apartments in West Bridgford, we've been helping people relocate for 15 years. We don't charge for it, we offer a relocation package simply to help clients' moves go more smoothly, and having lived in the area for more years than I can remember, I feel pretty well qualified to help.
Relocating is an adventure – and can be a challenge too
Packing up and shipping off to somewhere else in the country – or the world – is really exciting but it may be challenging too – arriving in a new place with a different culture and unfamiliar surroundings – so I've made it my mission to change the face of business travel, and make the experience more enjoyable and less daunting for people.
[I'm happy to advise you for free but if you would like more formal help I can point you in the direction of a wonderful relocation agent, she's a sole trader and costs a fraction of what you'd pay a large, global company, plus she's local so she knows about the area and provides a completely individual service.]
If you're upping sticks and relocating to lovely Nottinghamshire this year I hope you find our tips helpful (there's more info about our Relocation Services here):
1. Schools
If you're moving with your family finding the right school/s is probably one of your priorities and there are lots of different options in the area – state schools, sixth form colleges and private schools. You can find all the local state Primary and Secondary schools here and here's a list of all the private/independent schools. You can usually only contact schools during term-time so it's worth planning ahead, also bear in mind that the state schools in this area are very good and may be over-subscribed.
2. Somewhere to live
This is going to be pretty important too. Standard short-term agreed tenancies in the UK are for six months or longer and you'll either need to be credit checked (which requires you having a UK bank account), or have the rental guaranteed by a guarantor. Alternatively you can pay all of your rental and deposit at the start of the tenancy, or your employer might be able to take on the tenancy on your behalf.
If you'd prefer to stay somewhere for a few weeks or months to get to know the area and work out where you'd like to live longer-term feel free to make an enquiry about any of our properties. Lots of people stay with us while they're settling into the area and deciding where they want to live in the long-term.
Once you've got your new job to go to, found schools for the kids and somewhere nice to live, there's just the small matter of hobbies, community, socialising, friends, shopping, going out...
I'm very happy to help you meet other like-minded folk locally and advise you on local amenities, there are lots of wonderful places to go out in West Bridgford and Nottingham and plenty of common interest groups, sports clubs and community organisations. Living in West Bridgford means I'm connected to lots of local people and groups, and I'm always happy to help.
If you've got any questions about relocating or about the area please feel free to leave me a Comment and I'll get back to you.
Whatever your plans are for 2016 I hope you have a wonderful year!